There is therefore much to consider when you become a parent. Among them, one can be your baby's umbilical cord and the blood out of it. From womb, Birth cord or Umbilical cord connects an infant to the mother. Generally, people accustomed to throw away it after arrival, as we've evolved with rapid development in medical science, now many parents for the sake of future well being of their little one might save the blood.

Why you should consider banking umbilical cord blood?

The Umbilical cord fluid contains stem cells effective at treating blood diseases like anaemia, cancer along with couple immune system disorders that change a person's self defence mechanism to guard it self. Easy to collect and also contains a lot more stem cells in contrast to everything can be collected in bone marrow.


Automobiles keen to save the bloodvessels, post-birth a physician fastens the umbilical cord approximately ten inches apart in 2 places, followed closely by which dissects the cord interrupts infant in mommy. Then with the help of a needle, less than 40 have of blood collected from the cord. It's then sealed and forwarded to the laboratory for testing and storage. The full process cost a few minutes without causing any annoyance to the baby or mother.

Banking umbilical cord blood

The blood is going to be kept for future use of family members and donors just. This will cost cash, apart from these banks charge an annual fee and owning fee.

All these really are a blend of private and public banks. For people use, they preserve cord blood. They accept gifts as well as designed for the families. Absolutely, no cost is required.

Public cords blank:
For storage, no fee is charged. Anybody can get into the book. The bank may opt to donate cord blood for research tasks.

How banking Umbilical cord blood can save a lifetime

Stem cells found in Umbilical cord blood hardly ever possess any infectious disease and has strange chances of getting rejected, unlike adult stem cells. Easy to get and use using high success rate.